I’ve Been Accepted As Click Pro! Family & Motherhood Photography in Devon, UK
About a month ago I received a wonderful email- ‘Congratulations- we LOVE your work!’.
It was an email from Courtney Larson, director of Click Pro inviting me to join as a Click Pro Elite member after my portfolio of 150 images was judged by a panel for Exposure Triangle, Use of Light, Color and White Balance, Composition, Processing + Cohesion, Technical Basics, Creativity + Intention.
‘She is brave and pushes the limits of perfection past the normal amount.’
‘Her voice is strong and she is surely a leader in the industry.’
For those who don’t know (this is how I’ve been explaining it to people), it is a sort of an accreditation, one where it can not only give you valuable feedback about how your work is progressing but also at what standard your are at and how it is seen through unbiased eyes.
A big thankyou to Zephy at Zephyre Rose Photography for not only gifting me the initial application but also for her invaluable eyes and feedback on my portfolio. If you are think of applying, here is a link to find out more.
Being accepted for me, validates my work, my teaching and gives me a base to assess my work and thanks to the feedback, look at areas that need more work so I am really looking forward to diving into this world and discovering it more. Please drop me a message if you’d like to find out more about it or take a look at the portfolio that I submitted.